We take your privacy seriously. The purpose of this statement is to set out the principles governing
our use of personal data we may obtain about you.

Who we are

Santi & Santi Uxbridge Ltd (We/Us) is the “Controller” of the personal data you provide us. We are
registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and our registration number is

We work closely with our subsidiaries, agents, advisors, suppliers, contractors and partners to
provide exceptional levels of service and support.

The information we collect

In most circumstances we will only collect basic personal data about you, which does not include any
special categories of personal data about you (known as “sensitive personal data”). This data may
however include name, email and/or other contact details.

For specific details about what personal data we collect, how and why we collect personal data
about you, what we do with the personal data about you, specific retention periods and the
consents that we require from you please contact info@mlglondon.com with your query.

Sharing information

All the personal data is received and processed in the UK by our employees, agents, advisors,
suppliers, contractors and/or partners. We will not trade, sell or share your personal identifiable
data for use by any third parties unless we have been authorised by you or are required by law to do

Please be aware however that your data may be stored on a cloud-based system or on servers based
outside the UK but within the EU.

How long we keep information

We keep your personal data for no longer than reasonably necessary for the purposes for which it is
provided. We will only keep personal data for longer if authorised by you or if we are required to do
so by law.

If, for example, you have authorised use of your personal data for marketing purposes, this will be
kept with us until you notify us that you no longer wish for us to use it. Specific retention periods are
set out in the privacy notices linked above.

Your rights

If you wish to see, correct, update, transfer or delete any of the personal data that we hold about
you, please write to Us at 93 Marylebone High Street, W1U 4RE, with your request. If you wish to
raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact our Data Protection
Officer by writing to 93 Marylebone High Street, W1U 4RE, who will arrange for investigation of the
matter. We recommend that correspondence is sent recorded delivery and/or with proof of postage.
If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your personal data not in
accordance with the law, you can complain to the ICO.

Notification of data breaches

If you discover a data privacy breach or a breach is notified to you, please email
info@mlglondon.com as soon as possible. The email should contain your contact information and
key details of the breach. This email account is proactively monitored, and a Data Privacy Champion
will be in contact.

Notification of changes

We may occasionally modify our privacy policies, notices and statement. When this happens, we will
provide details as to the changes on this web page or via the links on this web page, at the point of
data collection or by contacting you directly. We will not significantly change how we use
information you have already given to us without your prior agreement.


We also collect information about you using Cookies. A Cookie is an element of data that a website
can send to your browser, which may then store it on your system. Most web browsers
automatically accept cookies. You do not have to accept Cookies, and you should read the
information that came with your browser software to see how you can set up your browser to notify
you when you receive a cookie. This will give you the opportunity to decide whether to accept it.
Refusing Cookies may mean that you cannot access certain features of the Ei Group plc website.

Links with other websites

This Privacy Statement is in relation to Santi & Santi Uxbridge Ltd only. We are not responsible for
the data policies or procedures or content of any linked websites. We recommend that you check
the privacy statement of each website you visit.

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